A Love That Was Meant to Be

‘It was meant to be. . .it wasn’t meant to be.”  These are called pregnant phrases.  They’re conceived in the moment from the circumstances that arrive. They give birth to such a variety of attitudes and philosophies.  Good Luck.  Bad luck.  Fate.  Destiny.  It was in the cards.  The cards dealt to me. I heard that little sheep with the big ears say, “It is the Lord. Let Him do to me what seems Good to Him.”

I was driving down the Dan Ryan one warm, summer morning with the top down on my car.  I had a  sporty, little red convertible. It was 1976.  I was going in late to work as usual, and I was feeling pretty “mellow”  😉   The Beatles were singing on the radio. It is one of my favorite songs.  It means much more to me now than it did then.  Everything means more to me now.

“Love, Love, Love.  Love, Love, Love.  Love, Love, Love.  All you need is Love, Love. . .Love is all you need.”  It does seem like that in the same way that the cloud in the sky looks like a teddy bear, or  the shadow on the wall looks like a real person.  They are illusions and a figment of man’s extraordinary imagination.

There’s a song by the Grateful Dead called, “Good Lovin.”  The true meaning of the title actually comes straight out of the bible. “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?  Jesus said to him, ‘why do you call me Good?  There is none Good but one, that is God.”  The word “Good” is clearly defined.

“For Love is of God. . .for God is Love.”  The word “Love” is clearly defined.  Good Lovin is only God’s Own Love.  .  .a Love that God alone possesses.   I know.  What about what we possess.  What about what consumes us, intoxicates us, possesses us, enchants us, fills us, energizes us, sometimes breaks our heart, seems to make the world go round and is often a many splendored thing?  What about that human love?  Let’s see if it’s the real McCoy. Let’s take it to the assayer’s office to see if it’s real or fool’s gold.

“Love is patient.  Love is kind.  It does not envy.  It does not boast.  It is not rude or self-seeking (self-centered).  It is not easily angered.  It takes no record of wrongs done to it.  It always hopes.  It always believes.  It always forgives.  It never runs out or comes to an end.  Love never fails.”

The Lilies are in Love with the Love that was meant to be.  They are intoxicated with the Fragrance that Comforts their troubled hearts and brings Peace into their soul.  All the Dumbo sheep are consumed with the Love that never fails, it never runs out or comes to an end.  The eagles fly into the heavens and are possessed with the Colors of the Rainbow of Love.  They all know that they love, because God first Loved them.  “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”  Everything is always first with Him.  He is always beforehand.  He is the Author. He is the life essence. “In Him, we live and move and have our being; for from Him and through Him and back to Him, are all things;  all the springs of Love are from Him as the Source.”

A Love that was meant to be.  A Love that was destined to be.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  Upper case letters.  All Upper Case Loves.  All Heavenly Loves.  Three Loves in One.  The Father always knew who He had Chosen to LOVE .  The Son always knew who He would live for and die and then LOVE within and The Holy Spirit always knew who He would LOVE and fill with the very Life of Christ and teach all the little sheep everything they would ever need to know about God and His faithful promises.  “God is not a man that He should lie; nor the son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act.  Does He promise and not fulfill like man?”   God is not like man in any way nor is His love like man’s in any way.

“Because of the Lord’s great Love, we are not consumed and alone; His compassion and mercy never fails; it is new every morning.  Great is thy Faithfulness.”  Although we are faithless, he is Faithful.  A Love that is free, full  and fresh every morning. . .arriving and rising with the same certainty as the sun.

Loved before time, Loved in time, Loved after time.  Everlasting Love.  A Love that was always meant to be for every one of His elect children who are the apple of His Eye.

Author: Mike Cooney

I am a father to three wonderful children, a grandfather to three precious granddaughters and a friend to those in need. I have been a marriage and family counselor for twenty-eight years, schooled by my own personal experiences with alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, divorce and failure at every level of human existence. I am a lamb of God's flock, lost for the first 35 years of my life, but found by the Savior of my soul. . .and carried on the wings of His Love every day since then. My sweetest moments in life are with others who are poor and needy, broken and contrite, lost and undone and needful of the Help that only God Possesses. I Love Him because He first Loved me.

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